Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the Medicine-On-Time "Pharmacy MTM (Medication Therapy Management)" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

We are the Industry Pioneer.
Proven, simple solutions for medication management for 30+ years.
Medicine-On-Time is a pioneer in the medication synchronization and multi-dose adherence packaging market. We are experts in compliance as it relates to multi dose medication adherence which provides added confidence for our pharmacy customers. With more than 250 million prescriptions filled across the US, Medicine-On-Time is committed to improving patient quality of life through safe, accurate solutions to medication management.

We are the Compliance Packaging Solution.
Compliance has value.
It’s a natural business opportunity for pharmacies. Medicine-On-Time can improve medication adherence, enhance patient outcomes, capture new business, and increase revenue. Where do you begin? With Medicine-On-Time of course! We are your solution for establishing your compliance packaging program. Our brand can dramatically reduce nursing home admissions, hospitalizations, and emergency room visits. The Medicine-On-Time program prolongs independence and provides confidence for your patients.

We have the Software You Need.
Our software can accommodate the most challenging and complex dose schedules.
Medicine-On-Time is powered by a robust workflow software that integrates seamlessly with the top pharmacy management systems. Our software is flexible so you are not tied to one dispensing format. Your dispensing options are endless. We offer a weekly format with up to five administration times in a single card or a monthly option with up to 35 days in a single card. We even have a sequential format for single drug PRN or stat therapies. Cycle length can be fixed or variable, specific to the patient, group, or universal throughout the system.

The Investment.
For $395 a month and about 50 cents per prescription (disposal packaging cost) Medicine-On-Time can be the stepping stone to adding a successful compliance program into your pharmacy. With this small investment we provide the turnkey system – computer hardware, software, efficiency tools, in-depth training, and marketing support.

Are you ready to get started?
Start filling with confidence and join the growing network of independent pharmacies who package confidence in a simple, proven medication management solution.

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Medication Therapy Management (MTM)