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MEDISCA | MEDISCA and its Affiliates Provide Simple Solutions to USP 800 Compliance [Video]

Company Background

 MEDISCA proudly celebrates 30 years of delivering quality service to the pharmaceutical compounding industry and allied health care professionals worldwide. Together, MEDISCA, MEDISCA Network, and LP3 Network support prescribers, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians engaged in personalized medicine by offering products and equipment, advanced formulation support, and educational trainings, respectively. 

Product Overview

 MEDISCA designed the Hazardous Drug (HD) Bundle Packs to provide simple solutions and cost-effective savings toward your USP <800> investment. The HD Bundle Packs contain competitively priced SOPs and specialized consultation services for sterile and non-sterile compounders. As an added benefit for purchasing a HD Bundle Pack, you can receive up to $5,000 back in MEDISCA credit toward equipment required to furnish your USP <800> lab. 

Features & Options

 Consultation on Facility Design and Gap Analysis: Our team of experts are well versed in USP guidelines, each front-runners in the industry with respect to identifying deficiencies within your establishment, diagnosing the issues, creating a plan of action, and delivering results. 

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): MEDISCA Network’s SOPs are built on best practices and are in compliance with PCAB/ ACHC accreditation requirements, and USP chapters <795>, <797>, and <800>. They facilitate day-to-day compliance and are integral to the success of your facility and your staff.

 LP3 Network Education: As a Global Leader in Continuing Healthcare Education®, LP3 Network is proud to contribute towards your USP <800> compliance. Educational programs include: 

• Essential Elements of Hazardous Drug Compounding: 1.5-day live seminar that provides participants with the practical tools and knowhow to achieve USP <800> compliance. 

• Sterile Cleanroom Design – Hazardous Drug Compounding: 1-hour webinar that provides an overview of USP <797> and USP <800> requirements related to sterile cleanroom design for hazardous drug compounding. 

• Implementing USP <800> – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements: 1-hour webinar that reviews health risks associated with occupational exposure to hazardous drugs and how to limit exposure through the proper selection, donning, and doffing of PPE. 


“Their multi-disciplinary team brings great people together to provide the best service possible. The people that make up these teams have deep roots in compounding that pair well with people new to the field, providing the perfect balance of experience and cutting edge research.” — Kyle Dolan, Pharmacist, Corum Health Services Inc. 

Key Customers

 Any provider handling one out of the 12-billion doses of hazardous drugs dispensed in the U.S. each year.* 

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