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7 Deadly Sins Webinar - Now On Demand!

7 Deadly Sins Webinar - Now On-Demand!


Contec Healthcare has been solving contamination control problems for more than 30 years. On May 19, Contec Healthcare’s Michael Myers participated in a panel discussion regarding the top 7 sins of contamination control they have seen in facilities around the world. The sins they discussed included:

- Improper Tool Usage

- Poor gowning and gowning room organization

- Improper cleaning and residue remediation

- Improper disinfectant use and dwell time

- Improper layout of tools/machines inside cleanroom

- Improper tacky mat position and orientation

- Poor control of visible contamination and trash

Did you miss it? No problem - watch the on-demand recording!

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Cleanrooms, Gloveboxes, Hoods, Isolators