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Join Medicine-On-Time for a Webinar on September 24th!

Rethink What Your Adherence Partner can do for You

Medication Adherence is more than a buzzword in today's pharmacy industry. Let us show you our approach.

About this Event

Behind every successful adherence program is a dedicated partner.

Medicine-On-Time offers services, solutions, and support to help you take your pharmacy to a 5-star performance level. Let us show you how you can overcome the challenges of running a pharmacy business and raise the bar for your business and for your patients.

Join us for a live 15-minute webinar on September 24 at 2 PM EDT

You will leave the webinar understanding:

• How our results-driven approach can lead your pharmacy to success

• What services are included in our program

• How our expanding product line can help you serve any patient and grow your business


Today's Posts

This post is related to:

Adherence, Compliance, Remote Monitoring, Med Sync