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Milton Boyer, Matt White participate in FDA’s Compounding Quality Center of Excellence Virtual Conference

SCA Pharma CEO Milton Boyer and Vice President Matt White, PharmD, join leading industry experts for the FDA’s inaugural Compounding Quality Center of Excellence Virtual Conference Sept. 21-22.

The conference brings together current and future outsourcing facilities, regulators, compounding experts and stakeholders to discuss a range of diverse topics surrounding the industry. Key issues will include policies and experiences during COVID-19, current good manufacturing practices (CGMP), automation technology and more.

FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen H. Hahn will provide opening remarks.

Milton and Matt will participate in the panel discussion, “Incorporating automation and technology into compounding,” scheduled for Sept. 22 at 2:15 p.m.

“We’re pleased to join members of the 503B industry and our regulatory partners and stakeholders in this important conference,” Milton said. “The outsourcing industry has been a vital supplier of critical medicines, especially during COVID-19. We look forward to sharing SCA Pharma’s use of automation and technology to further patient safety.”

View the agenda for the conference.

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Admixture Compounding Services (503B Outsourcing Facilities)