Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Supply Chain Integrity - KeySource

Supply Chain Integrity - KeySource 

As a trusted distributor, we take our responsibility to safeguard the integrity of the pharmaceutical supply chain seriously, securing it against counterfeit or adulterated products.

Our principal goal of providing service with integrity and value is the driving force for each and every employee at KeySource. Having this shared value, our team remains dedicated to the tenacity and attention required to maintain these safeguards.

• KeySource only purchases products directly from FDA approved manufacturers.

• KeySource is DSCSA-compliant and we ship products from our accredited distribution center which received National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) Drug Distributor re-accreditation, formerly known as Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors® (VAWD®) in 2020.

• KeySource is an active member of HDA (Healthcare Distribution Alliance), a national association comprised of America’s largest pharmaceutical distributors.

• KeySource is also an active Corporate Member of NASP (National Association of Specialty Pharmacy), the only national association representing all stakeholders in the specialty pharmacy industry.


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