Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Leiters Leads the Way

Continuing drug shortages and escalating drug costs. Increasing medication waste due to shortened in-house shelf life. And evolving regulations causing costly investments in equipment and training to ensure compliance.

Those are a few challenges that hospitals, surgery centers, and clinics must address to safely and effectively compound drugs in-house. This is also why healthcare providers are outsourcing their compounding to Leiters.


Leiters, founded in 1926, is an FDA-registered 503B outsourcing provider of high-quality hospital and ophthalmology compounded sterile preparations. They provide a sophisticated understanding of elevating the quality and consistency of supply in outsourcing. 

Pharmacy leaders must do their due diligence to fully assess the quality, safety, and track record of any potential 503B partner. With nearly a century of experience in compounding, Leiters knows this industry like no other and offers a comprehensive portfolio of 503B compounded sterile preparations.

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This post is related to:

Admixture Compounding Services (503B Outsourcing Facilities)