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MaxQ is a Proud Contracted Supplier of Blood Centers of America

Blood Centers of America (BCA) represents over 60 blood centers and 500+ collection sites nationwide. With the goal of helping blood centers control costs and promote growth, BCA supports members through combined purchasing power within BCA’s supplier partner network.  Cost efficiency is particularly critical today as demand for blood products increases while donations are decreasing.

MaxQ’s thermal packaging systems are a perfect fit for adding operational efficiency while protecting fragile blood supplies for both the busiest blood centers and smallest collection sites. The MaxPlus Thermal Control Transport Systems can be used for both commercial and research applications to move human blood products, cells, clinical grade materials and tissues.  

Blood Centers of America has also partnered with the American Association of Tissue Banks to expand its membership benefits to the tissue banking industry. MaxQ’s range of systems are also appropriate in the therapeutic, diagnostic, biologics, tissue and cell therapy industries. Continue Reading >>

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