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Drug Disposal Made Simple for Pharmacists | RxDestroyer [VIDEO]

Rx Destroyer is a fast acting ready-to-use chemical digestion formula that begins neutralizing medications on contact, complying with the DEA Non-Retrievable Standard 21 CFR and the EPA’s 40 CFR. Pharmacists are key educators to their patients on medication safety and disposal. Your advocacy for drug disposal both behind and in front of the counter protects people, communities and the environment by eliminating the risk of wrongful misuse or incorrect disposal.

Behind the pharmacy for pharmacists

Integrating Rx Destroyer drug disposal systems into your existing pharmaceutical program is easy, cost effective, and simply the most comprehensive solution in preventing drug abuse, drug diversion, and stockpiling.

On the counter for your patients

Non-retrievable drug deactivation actively protects your patients by eliminating risk of wrongful misuse or incorrect disposal of medications.

ACCEPTS ALL FORMS OF MEDICATION INCLUDING: pills & tablets, narcotics, lonzenges, powders, capsules, suppositories, liquids, injectables, patches, creams, lollipops, fentanyl, marijuana, and more.


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