Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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From Staffing to Billing: Is your Pharmacy Ready to Expand its Clinical Services?

In today’s environment,  patients are seeking easier access to basic healthcare services. The prevalence of care deserts – in rural and urban regions alike – signal the shrinking physical footprint of traditional physician-delivered care.  What does this trend tell us about the future of your pharmacy? Quite a lot, actually.

Pharmacies provide an ideal location for test-to-treat services related to chronic conditions – as well as chronic condition management. They’re staffed by credentialed, licensed clinicians. There are more than 60,000 of them. And 88.9% of the US population lives within 5 miles of a pharmacy (48.1% within only 1 mile). Better yet, there’s pending federal legislation supporting the expanded role of pharmacists in delivering clinical care. The good news: Pharmacies are well positioned to expand the range of services they provide their communities. Many already have.

As you consider the merits of expanding clinical services, it’s helpful to take an honest assessment of your pharmacy’s current position and state of readiness. A few key considerations:

• Regulatory environment – Take inventory of current federal, state, and local regulations. Do they permit services that your pharmacy doesn’t offer today? Then take it a step further and read up on trends and pending legislation. Can you align your pharmacy to offer everything currently allowed, while laying the foundation for new opportunities?


• Geography – Note nearby locations where customers might opt to receive care, such as clinics, hospitals and, of course, other pharmacies. How will your pharmacy fit in? How will you differentiate your services from other options? Read more >

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