Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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PharmaLink | The Simple & Affordable Path to DSCSA Compliance!

The Simple & Affordable Path to DSCSA Compliance!

We’ve partnered with global data management leader, TraceLink, to provide you with a turnkey solution that can get you compliant at the lowest plan cost for comparable package benefits in the industry.

Our plan offers you an easy, single connection to the TraceLink network that connects you to all of your suppliers for traceability and trackability.

Since 2000, PharmaLink has grown to be the nation’s leading pharmaceutical reverse logistics provider with the highest processing accuracy in the industry.

Manage your returns with a new level of transparency, using PharmaLink’s premier custom reporting platform! 

Call us today to meet the FDA November 27, 2023 deadline!

Fast, Accurate Returns • Custom Reports & Analytics Safe & Compliant Disposal • Nationwide Service 

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