Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Navigating the Complexities of Vendor Substitutions in Pharmacy Purchasing

In this intricate landscape of pharmacy inventory management, a subtle yet impactful challenge arises: the art of tracking vendor substitutions. Picture this scenario: vendors quietly replace a product before shipping it out, catching pharmacies off guard. It’s not quite the same as the occasional mix-up where the wrong item finds its way onto pharmacy shelves. No, this is a phenomenon where substitutions occur behind the scene, under the radar. 

The Annual SureCost Smarter Purchasing Reports provide insights into the habits of SureCost customers and unveil revelations that send ripples through their pharmacy. In the 2022 Smarter Purchasing Report, it was revealed that a staggering 8% of total items purchased by SureCost customers turned out to be substitutions. 

The type of substitutions are a wide span, with brand-to-generic substitution taking center stage. This year, we focused our lens on vendor substitutions exclusively within the generics category. We dissected reasons like dosage form, strength and package size changes. Read more >

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