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Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries in Long-Term Care Facilities: Innovative Solutions for a Safer Workplace

Long-term care facilities play a crucial role in providing quality healthcare to individuals who require extended medical attention. However, the demanding nature of the job can lead to a range of occupational health concerns for healthcare workers, including repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). This blog post sheds light on common areas for RSIs in long-term care facilities, with a focus on pushing medication carts and crushing pills, while also introducing innovative solutions such as the UltraGlide Push Plate for cart transportation and the PowderCrush for medication preparation.

Understanding Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs)

Repetitive strain injuries, also known as musculoskeletal disorders, occur when a specific motion or action is repeatedly performed, leading to strain on the body’s muscles, tendons, and joints. In long-term care facilities, where healthcare workers are often responsible for various physically demanding tasks, RSIs are a prevalent concern.

Common Areas for RSIs

Pushing Medication Carts Pushing heavy medication carts from room to room is a routine task in long-term care facilities. Over time, the continuous exertion of force and awkward positioning can result in RSIs, especially in the shoulders, wrists, and back. Healthcare workers are at risk of developing conditions like tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lower back pain.

Crushing Pills Medication preparation, including crushing pills for patients who have difficulty swallowing, is another task that can lead to RSIs. The repetitive motion of crushing pills with manual pill crushers can strain the wrist and forearm muscles, potentially causing injuries like tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. Read more >

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