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30-minute crash course: Navigating the healthcare supply chain evolution

LIVE WEBINAR  |  Thursday, March 7th at 12PM EST

A new year means new trends & challenges for the healthcare supply chain.

Join us on March 7 at 12 pm EST to hear from our Chief Strategy and Product Officer, Derrek Seif, and VP of marketing, Katie Lachey, on navigating the healthcare supply chain evolution.


The healthcare supply chain has undergone significant evolutions in recent years, influenced by technology, inflation, COVID-19, and other factors. As we progress into 2024, the industry faces challenges such as increased costs, resource constraints, and the need for more effective collaboration.

In the face of persistent market volatility and vulnerability, health systems are compelled to redefine their investment strategies, operational models, and innovation pathways. These dynamic changes are giving rise to new trends, emphasizing the urgency to anticipate and prepare for the future.

Supply chain leaders can take several steps to preempt the worst effects of future challenges and maintain an edge by becoming early adopters of more recent, evidence-based supply chain practices.

Join our crash course on:

• Treating each discrete supply chain challenge as unique

• Balancing cost-savings with considerations for provider and patient experience

• Targeting incremental ways to mitigate the risk of supply chain disruption

• Starting AI conversations with data capture and cleanliness in mind

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