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Simplifying the Monitoring and Detection of Drug Diversion - HelioMetrics

Simplifying the Monitoring and Detection of Drug Diversion

Today, the focus is on healthcare facilities and pharmacies to identify and prevent drug diversion within their facilities. HelioMetrics believes that the drug diversion solution that healthcare organizations employ should provide a comprehensive way to easily monitor, detect, and respond to diversion, as well as be able to determine employee compliance to their specific medication handling policies. HelioMetrics’ analytics software solutions utilize its proprietary Diversion Triangulation™ methodology, along with behavioral analytics and Augmented Intelligence (AI), to give healthcare systems and pharmacies a closed-loop process for the precise monitoring, detection, and investigation of drug diversion, and to validate the organization’s compliance with medication handling policies. HelioMetrics provides a clear understanding of what metrics are being used to determine possible diversion with robust reconciliation from point of order, receipt, inventory action/movement of any pharmaceutical within the organization to the patient, compounding room, and ultimately waste and/or expiration. Full life cycle management. Our offerings include: HealthCare Rx Drug Diversion Analytics, Pharmacy Drug Diversion Analytics, Prescribing Practices Analytics, and Diversion Analytics Monitoring. Contact us to see how HelioMetrics can help simplify the investigation of drug diversion in healthcare.



Kip Lindberg

3440 Belt Line Boulevard

Suite 208

St. Louis Park, MN 55416

PHONE: 612-444-3568

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Drug Diversion Monitoring, Diversion Prevention