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Best Practices for Using Ultra Low Freezers to Green up Your Lab

Best Practices for Using Ultra Low Freezers to Green up Your Lab   

No matter how big or small the research facility, there are multiple ways to achieve sustainability. With laboratories consuming five times more energy than office spaces, research labs and institutions have been increasingly pushing researchers and scientists towards promoting sustainable initiatives especially related to ultra-low temperature freezers, as they are one of the most energy–intensive equipment found in labs.

Reducing the carbon footprint of -80°C freezers is a major commitment. It requires a multifold approach spanning across the procurement and day-to-day operations, as well as best practices.

This paper highlights some of the best practices in using ULT freezers sustainably, as well as some details about how B Medical Systems’ ultra-low freezers can help you conduct energy-efficient operations and reduce CO2 emissions, thereby driving towards the bigger goal of sustainability and green operations.

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B Medical Systems - Greening up your Laboratories with Ultra Low Freezers - White Paper_Page_4.jpg

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