Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the Comprehensive Pharmacy Services "Specialty Pharmacy Resources" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Unleash the Powerful Potential Inside Your Health System

Given the complexities of today’s healthcare environment, it is rare that we meet a specialty pharmacy that is keeping pace with the dramatic clinical, operational, governmental and financial dynamics of the sector. Leading-edge facilities in the contemporary landscape seek visibility to future opportunities - to leveraging new developments in specialty and ambulatory pharmacy to create a best-in-class offering. Ideally, their efforts produce a specialty pharmacy result in improved patient care capabilities that make a favorable contribution to the bottom line. Despite the desired outcome, however, hospitals and health systems nationwide often do not know where to start.

We make it our business to know – providing leadership and expertise to facilities looking to unleash the powerful potential of their specialty and ambulatory opportunity. With the specialty drug market projected to hit $250 billion in 2020 and represent greater than 50% of all drug spend, is your pharmacy set up to manage your patients’ needs?

Though facilities are aligned to deliver care and better outcomes to patients with chronic diseases, specialty pharmacy poses critical challenges for delivering effective care:

-Specialty medications often come at a high cost - most over $2,000 per fill
-Less than two percent of the patient population requires specialty drugs
-Specialty medications are often associated with complex administration and compliance issues
-Product manufacturers may choose to limit specialty drug distribution

SPARX brings a winning formula to address contemporary specialty pharmacy challenges – bringing leadership and clarity to hospitals and health systems in this dramatically changing landscape.

SPARX: Your Ambulatory Strategy Solution
SPARX delivers a unique offering of solutions to optimize your ambulatory strategy and achieve your specialty pharmacy goals. Our services deliver benefits in the arenas of retail pharmacy, specialty pharmacy, and infusion services – providing dynamic value:

Retail Pharmacy
-Providing expertise and resources to support the development of retail capabilities
-Supporting the alignment of the retail pharmacy with population health and organizational goals

Turnkey Specialty Pharmacy
-Providing full support from the initial business case through launch and ongoing management
-Leveraging national experts for leadership to meet various needs in the development
-Delivering specialty patient management powered by Therigy software technology

Infusion Services
-Providing deep expertise to align infusion services with ambulatory strategies
-Ensuring appropriate ‘site of care’ infusion services are optimized for proper reimbursement

Tailored Planning for Best-in-Class Pharmacy
Our service lines are supported by unique SPARX capabilities and comprehensive planning. Our results are delivered through deliberate, tailored planning:

-Strategy - We first analyze the client hospital opportunity. We assess payor mix, 340B opportunities and more. From there, we craft your specialty pharmacy strategy
-Design – We create a facility plan that incorporates your existing retail pharmacy into a redesign or new build-out. We oversee the facility’s construction, including a communications center, IT infrastructure, and telepharmacy.
-Operations – We review and support all retail pharmacy functions and revenue cycle management. We oversee the creation of a specialty pharmacy team, including training and certification, while enabling integration with the patient care team. We also collaborate to create marketing solutions for specialty pharmacy.
-Growth – We obtain dual accreditation & ensure compliance within 9 months of the go-live date. We leverage our expertise to provide intelligence to drive your specialty pharmacy business. Added value is provided through driving payer contracting solutions and interfacing with manufacturers regarding limited distribution drugs.

Leverage our Specialty and Ambulatory Pharmacy Expertise
Knowing the challenges for facilities looking to craft their specialty pharmacy strategy, the SPARX team is driven to achieve results. Our team of industry experts ensures that your program positioned for success and supported by industry leaders with decades of combined experience. Leverage our collective expertise – and unleash the powerful potential inside your health system.

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340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems