Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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The Baker Standard is the Gold Standard

When it comes to the world’s most dangerous agents, laboratories all over the world turn to the Baker Company for containment and clean air laboratory equipment. They built a global reputation for their engineering expertise that leads in controlling hazardous microbiological agents and potent pharmaceutical compounds.

Baker’s SafeGARD portfolio offers a variety of industries a wide range of biocontainment and contamination solutions. The team of experts also can create a customized product to meet specific requirements. This centralized, built-to-order approach helps ensure the highest standards, optimum efficiency, and, most importantly, precise detail on design and engineering. 

Safety and protection of personnel and pharmaceuticals are paramount when designing a contained, pressurized work area for pharmacy applications. Testing is rigorous, setting Baker apart in the industry, as demonstrated by being the first company to establish performance envelopes for every type of biological safety cabinet. The result from Baker is a high-performing contamination control that delivers function, user comfort, and durability.


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