Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

Buy, Start, or Sell a Pharmacy

Whether buying, starting, or selling a pharmacy, RxOwnership from McKesson has you covered. 

Buying a pharmacy brings freedom and responsibility. Owners will receive tools and resources from RxOwnership for a successful acquisition. The team of experts offers personalized, practical advice, and the essential steps guide you through the process.

Starting from scratch brings challenges. RxOwnership offers expertise in understanding pharmacy must-haves, developing a business plan, and assembling a team.

And if you're selling, you want to maximize the value of the business. From helping to find potential buyers to assisting with the transfer of ownership, you will receive a step-by-step guide, ensuring a positive experience.

RxOwnership brings together the trusted expertise of McKesson to share best practices and support the success of current and future pharmacy owners. It's the ultimate resource for everything from planning to staffing.


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This post is related to:

Mergers, Acquisitions, Buying-Selling, Franchising