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Navigating Patients through Specialty Pharmacy

One day a woman dropped off a prescription at her local pharmacy for her husband’s rheumatology medication.  Neither her nor her husband are medical professionals.  She was shocked to learn that the medication was going to cost $6,000 and their insurance was not going to cover it. She called to convey how upset she was.  How were they going to afford this medication?  The couple came to the difficult decision that they would need to either find a cheaper alternative or he would have to go without the medication that he desperately needed.

This is a common scenario when specialty medications are prescribed. Patients are often unaware that they need to be filled at appropriate specialty pharmacies. 

More than half (51.8%) of adults in the United States have at least one of ten diagnosed chronic conditions (arthritis, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, asthma, diabetes, hepatitis, hypertension, stroke, and weak or failing kidneys) and 27.2% of US adults have multiple chronic conditions. The top disease states that require specialty medication treatments include, but are not limited to, cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Hemophilia, Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, immune disorders, infertility, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis), Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Pulmonary Hypertension and Rheumatoid arthritis. Read More >>

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