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Save Time, Increase Efficiency, and Simplify 340B Discount Refunds With Apexus CRS

The Apexus Covered Entity Refund Service (CRS) streamlines the process of returning ineligible 340B discounts to manufacturers. Take advantage of Apexus’ expertise in 340B compliance, analysis, project management, and reporting to standardize refunds.

Company Background
Apexus solves for medication access and affordability for America’s safety net by delivering access, education, and sourcing solutions for 340B stakeholders. In addition to serving as the HRSA-designated Prime Vendor for the 340B Drug Pricing Program, Apexus offers professional training and validation through its Advanced 340B Operations Certificate Program and facilitates a streamlined solution for returning ineligible 340B discounts with the Covered Entity Refund Service.

Product Overview
• What is the Apexus Covered Entity Refund Service?
The Apexus Covered Entity Refund Service (CRS) facilitates the return of ineligible 340B discounts to individual manufacturers. Apexus works directly with covered entities or contracted consultants to efficiently process refunds to manufacturers through a proprietary process, reducing the time and effort spent resolving errors. 340B covered entities must manage the difficult task of returning ineligible 340B discounts to manufacturers accurately and efficiently. Both covered entities and manufacturers struggle to resolve these errors for a number of reasons:
     • Historical drug pricing information is difficult to access for covered entities.
     • Manufacturer contacts for refunds are not publicly available
     • No statutorily defined process governs refunds of ineligible 340B discounts
     • There is no industry standard for 340B refunds.
• What are the benefits of the Apexus CRS?
The Apexus CRS brings the expertise of Apexus to 340B compliance, analysis, project management, and reporting. Covered entities benefit by using the Apexus CRS to manage their 340B refunds to streamline the process of refund calculation, documentation, and resolution. A database of manufacturer contacts along with a database of historical WAC prices and NDC codes are maintained by Apexus CRS to improve response time and accuracy. The Apexus CRS provides a best practice process for facilitating covered entity refunds.

Tested & Validated Pilot Program 
As a thought leader and go-to resource in pharmacy solutions for the nation’s safety net providers, Apexus developed a solution to streamline the process of returning ineligible discounts to manufacturers. The pilot program launched over a two-year period and successfully refunded over $5 million to more than 200 manufacturers with minimal impact on day-to-day processes at eight separate covered entities and several manufacturers. The CRS solution streamlined the process to quickly resolve 340B refund issues, significantly reduced the impact on day-to-day processes for both the covered entity and the manufacturer, and resulted in an eight times faster response rate from manufacturers when Apexus CRS extended the refund offer.

How does the CRS process work?
1. Findings are identified during HRSA audit, independent outside audit, or self-audit.
2. Covered entity contracts with Apexus CRS to facilitate refund to manufacturers.
3. Apexus has a kickoff call with the covered entity and/or consultants to launch the refund process.
4. Covered entity completes standardized documents to validate refund offer.
5. Covered entity transfers funds to Apexus.
6. Apexus sends refund offer to manufacturer for approval or denial
7. Apexus forwards approved funds to manufacturer or works to resolve denials.
8. Covered entity receives fully auditable final report from Apexus

     “Managing a 340B repayment is time-consuming and difficult because historical price
      information is not available, manufacturer contacts are not publicly available, and the
      response rate is very low.”
          — 340B Program Manager, Hospital in Northeast
     “Manufacturer repayments are an important part of 340B compliance work. Apexus
      engagement with repayment makes the process more efficient for both the covered
      entities and manufacturers.”
          — Pharmacy Specialist, 340B Program, Health Care System in Southeast

Ordering Information
Are you ready to save time, increase efficiency, and simplify 340B discount refunds? Learn how our refund solution can streamline your success. Contact Apexus today to learn more about Apexus CRS.
Phone: (888) 340-2787

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Distribution: 340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems