Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

Trends for 2025 -- Pharmacy Services take a Holistic Approach to Patient Well-Being

Good things are happening in the pharmacy these days, as pharmacists embrace their increased role in providing patient-centric care and demonstrate their unshakeable commitment to good health and well-being.  Today’s pharmacies have become go-to sources for a wide range of services and products, allowing patients access to expert guidance and support. Along the way, pharmacies are benefitting their bottom lines, generating sorely needed revenue at a time when high drug costs, changing reimbursement models, and regulatory fees have forced many pharmacies to close their doors.  Consider, for example, a 2024 survey by the New York City Pharmacists Society which found a shocking 92% of independent pharmacists said they had turned away patients in the past six months because of low reimbursement rates.  Or an investigation by the New York Times which identified more than 800 zip codes across the nation that had at least one pharmacy in 2015, but now have none.

Pharmacies have long looked to “extra” services as a way to raise revenue and allow patients convenient access to immunizations and point-of-care testing, along with other services such as blood pressure screening, and even pet medication dispensing.  But in recent years, the bar has been raised, with pharmacies stepping up with initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles and preventive care. Read More >

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