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Visit the Manchac Technologies "Pharmacy Automation & Robotics" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Manchac Technologies L.L.C.

Manchac’s DOSIS L60 is an automated 30 or 31-day blister card (a.k.a. bingo cards/punch cards) prescription fulfillment platform for pharmacies serving long term care, institutional, and correctional facilities.

DOSIS L60 automatically fills, seals and patient labels, hands-free, both the 30 and 31-day single medication blister cards.

The L60 has the ability to integrate seamlessly with your pharmacy management information system and can also be used for pre-pack and for after hours unattended filling. DOSIS allows you to pre-pack and on-demand fill simultaneously.

This easy to use system requires no software installation on your pharmacy computers and boasts a pharmacy friendly footprint of 26” deep x 43” wide x79” tall.

The Difference

The DOSIS L60 is the first viable robot that meets all your needs; whether it is handling your high moving drugs or supplementing your filling needs for the extemporaneous drugs in your formulary.

The L60’s advanced counting technology allows DOSIS to dispense directly into the blister card which enables it to dispense the quantity requested (7, 14, 28, 30 and 31), as well as eliminate cross-contamination issues. DOSIS has the ability, based on your pharmacy management information systems’ capabilities, to adhere to start dates and quantities for anniversary and/or calendar date filling.


Our patent-pending, revolutionary canister design gives you a universal one-size-fits-all solution, with a 1000cc drug capacity to count generics and brand name drugs with no user adjustments or calibrations.

Canisters are uniquely serialized and can be hot swapped from location to location and in and out of the cabinet without any dispensing downtime.


The L60 offers maximum value to you by minimizing the space required to achieve significant prescription throughput rates for all your filling needs.

The DOSIS L60 is safer and more accurate allowing you to better serve your customers.

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Automation: Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots