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Visit the Comprehensive Pharmacy Services "Telepharmacy | Remote Order Entry" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

CPS Telepharmacy

CPS's Telepharmacy solutions delivery beyond the expected.

Hospitals and health care facilities without 24/7 pharmacy services face the challenge of affordably providing around the clock medication and safety practices to maintain patient care levels and comply with regulatory standards. This issue is compounded by the ever-increasing costs of recruiting highly trained, licensed pharmacy professionals. CPS has the answer to this challenge.

When a patient has left the hospital, your staff has a busy schedule, or it’s after hours, you can still reach your operational goals – improved care, lower readmissions and increased patient satisfaction. Our dedicated team is always working, so your team can focus on other clinical initiatives. Our solutions are easy to implement and our specialists will guide you along the way. And our telepharmacy services are compliant with Joint Commission Standards, HIPAA regulations, and state licensing requirements.

Count on our team and our technology to deliver beyond your expectations, beyond business hours.

CPS Telepharmacy Solutions:
-Rx-Remote Solutions
A flexible, cost-effective way to ensure around the clock coverage.

An effective transitions of care solution that can deliver more than a 30% reduction of readmissions.

-Staff Augmentation
Routine prescription filling through our on-demand telepharmacy center with 24/7/365 service.

-Medication Reconciliation
A system that helps you compare patient medications against their orders to deliver better outcomes.

Learn what differentiates CPS's industry leading telepharmacy services.

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Professional Services: Telepharmacy, Remote Order Entry