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Improve Your Customer Experience, Staff Morale and Productivity by Streamlining Processes Across Facilities

Improve Your Customer Experience, Staff Morale and Productivity by Streamlining Processes Across Facilities

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Our Modular Pole Systems™ have the ability to mount more equipment.

Having four mounting sides on our pole gives us what we call U.S.M.A (Usable Surface Mount Area). Simply said, we have more surfaces to hold more equipment then a Round Pole. Our poles are easy to reconfigure, so when your needs change, it’s easy to upgrade or reconfigure your Modular Pole Systems™ products.

Secure Your Equipment:

-Payment Terminal Mounts




-Bar Code Scanners

-PC monitors



-Bio-metric Readers

-Full-page document scanners

-Thermal Printers

-Receipt Printers

-PLU charts

-Gift Cards

-Prescriptions and hang-up bags


-and much much more

The Modular Pole Systems™ product line is easy, straightforward, and comes pre-assembled for quick and seamless installation.

Our Modular, 4 sided, the solution reduces the need for expensive welds and provides the ability to reconfigure as technology and equipment changes. This is the most cost-effective, and sustainable product as it greatly reduces the cost of ownership and waste.

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