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Sentry’s Head of Industry Relations a candidate for national pharmacy association panel representing underserved patients


Sentry Data Systems is excited to announce that Lisa Scholz, PharmD, MBA, FACHE, has been nominated as a candidate for a board position with the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Pharmacy Practice & Management (APhA-APPM).

Scholz, Sentry’s Head of Industry Relations, is one of two candidates for the position of Care of Underserved Patients Special Interest Group Coordinator-elect. The APhA-APPM Special Interest Groups are member-driven and focus on key areas of interest. Voting will take place March 12 — May 3, 2021.

The Care of Underserved Patients Special Interest Group aligns well with Scholz’s career path and unmatched expertise on the 340B Drug Pricing Program, which forms a critical component of the nation’s healthcare safety net, in addition to Medicaid, Medicare and other healthcare assistance programs. Prior to joining Sentry in 2015, Scholz was Chief Operating Officer for 340B Health, a large nonprofit advocacy organization. Her career path has also included positions at APhA, a community pharmacy and a nonprofit health system.

Last year Scholz achieved the prestigious Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation by passing the college’s Board of Governors Exam.

More information about the election, including Scholz’s candidate statement, can be found here.

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