Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Protected Health Information: What Is It?

Demystifying Protected Health Information: Understanding What It Is and What it Isn’t

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Although Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements and rules have been in effect for 25 years, confusion remains around some of the law’s components. A frequent area of confusion is how healthcare organizations and other covered entities recognize, share, and safeguard protected health information (PHI). The following article digs deeper into this topic and offer some compliance strategies to consider for your practice.

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Understanding the Five Stages of the Medical Waste Cycle

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Medical waste management is a multifaceted process that does not stop after waste leaves your facility. Having a full understanding of what happens at each stage of the waste cycle, including once materials are removed from your building, is helpful to being confident that your approach is compliant and sustainable. Read more for a brief breakdown of each stage along the medical waste management continuum. 

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