RxMedica Systems, Inc.

20Ways Winter2014 Hospital Edition

0 to 5 in 60 seconds Imagine easily filling as many as five prescriptions per minute. That’s fast. That’s RxMedic’s new RM64 — the fastest robotic dispensing solution on the market. RxMedic technology means that RM64 can count any pill size or shape and utilizes a unique photo verification system. RxMedic design means that operation is easy and reliable — it takes only three keystrokes to check out a prescription, and RM64 interfaces with any pharmacy management system. Speed plus accuracy equals efficiency, giving you and your staff more time to focus on what’s important: your patients. See the future of pharmacy automation and what it can do for you at rxmedic.com or call 800 .882 .3819. RM64® from RxMedic® rxmedic.com TO LEARN MORE ABOUT RM64 SCAN THE QR CODE. ©2014 RxMedic Systems, Inc. RxMedic and RM64 are registered trademarks of RxMedic Systems, Inc. RxMedic Systems, Inc., is a subsidiary of the J M Smith Corporation.

20Ways Winter2014 Hospital Edition
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